“Upside Down Vision: The Extraordinary Journey of a Boy Defying Gravity”

He was abandoned by parents at the age of only nine months.

He was adopted by the old people who have struggled raising him because he was born with cerebral palsy.

This boy sees the world upside down.

Meet a four-year-old who sees the world upside down.

Cerebral Palsy is a group of disorders that affect a person’s ability to move and maintain balance and posture.

Cerebral Palsy is the most common motor disability in childhood.

The task of the moral philosopher, thinker, is to support and strengthen the voice of the huɱaп conscience, to recognize what is good or what is bad for people, whether they are good or bad for society.

In a period of evolution, maybe a voice crying in the wilderness-

But only if that voice remains lively and uncompromising- is possible to transform the desert into a fertile land.

One day we woke up at 3 am and found something in our compound.

We could see it moving

And we were afraid.

When we opened, we found it was this young baby boy who had only 9 months.

By then, baby was wrapped up in some clothes, then put in a sack and we had no any other option other than taking him.

We wondered who enough would dare do this.

Our Housemaid is the one who called us and said he has seen something like a dog.

We woke up and came to see before we opened the sack.

We never thought it’s a person.

We thought it’s a kind of an animal in the sack, but after opening it we found this young, innocent baby boy crying.

When we saw him first we could not think he’s a baby.

He was too black, with a bigger head.

That even doctors were shocked about his head side was unbelievable.

So we lifted and put him in our house.

Neighbors came and saw him.

We went to the local authorities, but they never helped us.

All they said was that God blessed you with a baby.

He has been seeing the world upside down.

He can’t turn himself around, he can’t wake himself up, he can’t see and he can’t put himself to bed.

The way you leave him is the way you find him.

He needs someone who is always by himself and taking care of him.

We always close to him and doing everything for him, which includes lifting him.

Every ᴛι̇ɱe he does only one thing- bending his head, the rest.

I handle them like every morning.

I have to wake up and check on him, wash him, dress him pampers, give him porridge, then food, and lift him and put him where he can get sunshine.

The good thing is that he doesn’t cry anyhow.

We decided to take him to the hospital.

He was examined and were transferred to another hospital.

The diagnosis and scan was done.

Scan result showed his negative and they told us that the child needs physiotherapy.

The head was too big and the scan test was done to show whether he has a tumor or some fluids in the head, but still results showed his head had no problem by then.

The head was too big for such a small boy.

You could look at him and think he’s another creature.

Only either in the mouth would show you that he’s a person.

But now the head decreased inside.

I have already been taking him to the hospital.

There is a guy whom i told everything about this boy and he decided to do reflexology to this boy’s legs for a certain period.

Later this boy tried to see it before he would just lay on the ground.

ᴛι̇ɱe came and i went to the hospital that can’t give him treatment completely and they showed me a medical bill that i cannot afford.

They say, if i get that amount of money they would operate my boy and even make a full checkup on his body and treat whatever sickness he has.

After hearing the large sums of money they requested, i decided to come back home and leave that because i had no any other option.

To be honest, before he was not a person.

He had a skin, not of a huɱaп.

He had a big head.

He would not see.

I would always hold his neck.

The only thing he ɱaпaged to do was eating.

By God’s grace, he went on growing and turning into a huɱaп before he could not even sit, not even crawl, as babies do.

But ᴛι̇ɱe came and he started showing reaction like hearing you.

You can tell.

When he is listening to you, he turns himself around and pushes himself.

It was a miracle when we saw him sit.

Can you imagine a child who doesn’t talk, who doesn’t talk, who doesn’t hear what you’re trying to tell him and doesn’t even see it?

A child who does all the dart on himself?

But now things are bit ok, though.

Right now he still doesn’t walk or talk, but he hears very well.

He shows some different reactions, like whenever he sees me, he automatically feels happy, which shows he knows who i am.

He can differentiate me with other people.

Doctor said that it’s a matter of ᴛι̇ɱe that soon he’ll be able to walk, though he hasn’t worked for four years.

They said one of the causes of this was the malnutrition given to this boy in his first 1000 days.

This might have affected his growth and development.

They said he was not breastfed enough and he was not given enough food nutrients.

That’s how he burned himself like that, and it has been four years without walking or standing.

Yet kids of the same age go to school, even those who are born after him grow up and they run um a doctor who are responsible for this boy’s health condition.

We came to figure out that this little kid was diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

Both the neck and the back don’t function.

In addition, he was born with a big head.

His eyes did not function.

He acted as if he was not normal.

This condition is caused by lack of enough oxygen in the embryo before a child is delivered.

They brought the baby to me and said they have no money.

I thought of it and told them to bringing him to me here once a week

And i could treat him once a week.

By then his head was three ᴛι̇ɱes bigger than what you see.

He had a smallest neck that would not support his head.

His back was also not functioning.

After a month treating him, the neck and the body became strong, and that’s when he started trying to see.

Before all he did was sleeping, but now he tries to see it.

All i did to him was giving him reflexology and physiotherapy in general in a period of two months for free.

Later i told them to try and bring a certain amount of money because i earned from this.

I woke up looking forward to treat someone then and a living.

So after helping them with a two-month free service, i told them to gather money for his treatment so that he can fully recover.

I surrendered the sickness of my boy to God because right now i don’t have something else to help this little kid.

I did whatever i could but failed.

He’ll be sitting here and God will handle the rest.

I’m afraid that i can fail to provide what he can eat because i don’t have money and i’m too old that i cannot work.

I asked whoever might feel they want to help, to help, to help me with money and which will help as treatment and help this boy stand and walk upright on his foot.

I talked to doctors and they showed me all the requirements necessary for my boy to be treated.

The only problem remaining is lack of money.

I need money to cover this boy’s medical treatment.

I’m sure he’ll be okay after getting treated.

Let’s join hands and save us all.

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others.

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

I’m Elijah.

Thank you for watching.

This is afromax english.

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