“Unprecedented Arrival: First-Time Mom Welcomes 13lbs Baby Girl, the UK’s Second Largest Ever Born”

A pregnant woman who had a large enough uterus that physicians mistook her for having an identical twin gave birth to a 13-pound baby. On April 16, first-time mother Amber Cumberland, 21, of Aston, Oxfordshire, gave birth to Emilia, who weighed an enormous 12 lbs 14 ounces.

Because of Baby Emilia’s large belly during pregnancy, doctors weren’t sure if the mother would unexpectedly give birth to a second child. Instead, she is thought to be the second-largest baby girl ever to be born in the UK, behind the 14 lb 4 oz record-holder from 2012.

Amber went into labor for 24 hours before baby Emilia was delivered via emergency C-section after being induced nearly two weeks early. Amber, a 5’9″ woman who was 12.5st and a size 14, reported that she was roughly 17st at the end of the pregnancy and could not fit into anything smaller than a size 20. I’m back in size 16 and have lost a little under a pound since giving birth.

Despite the fact that we could only detect one embryo on the ultrasounds, doctors mistook Amber’s size throughout pregnancy for twins. Because we kept hearing it, we began to think there might be another one within. It became a game when we went to the supermarket to see if we would get a comment about the size of the bump and we always did.

Scott’s face was white when she emerged, and all the surgeons were grinning and bringing her to me while saying, “Congratulations, you’ve had a toddler.”

We were really relieved that she was healthy and that there was only one baby.

By the time of her 32-week ultrasound, baby Emilia had grown to the typical size of a 36-week-old and was predicted to weigh 8 lbs. 12 oz. at a later growth scan at 36 weeks.

In the three days prior to Emilia’s delivery, Scott Joy, Amber’s partner and Emilia’s father, spent 42 hours in the parking lot of John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford. Scott was not permitted to join Amber until Emilia was born.

Amber said: ‘I got to eight centimetres dilated and she couldn’t go any further if she went any further down they wouldn’t be able to ɡet her back up and she would’ve got ѕtuсk.

It required two people to lift her out during the C-section and one to put everything back in place so that she could be put out. The entire outfit we packed for her didn’t fit, but fortunately we had some extra 0–3 month items packed. The hospital staff had to bring down larger diapers from pediatrics for us. Nurses at the hospital even went past their scheduled shifts to weigh the newborn and take pictures of her because she was so large. Due to the numerous agonizing issues caused by Amber’s enormous pregnancy bump, the first-time mother couldn’t wait to be induced and give birth to her child. Nothing worked when she attempted home cures to induce herself and get things going.

Amber said: ‘I was so deѕрerаte to ɡet her oᴜt I tried everything I ate half a kilogram of raw pineapple, used essential oils and bath salts, even acupressure anything I read online that might help. The bump was so big I got lots of stretch marks and my skin was so weak from being ѕtretсһed oᴜt that they would bleed if I stood up too quickly.

My stomach muscles completely split to the point where the doctors could barely distinguish them during the C-section and said they were the worѕt they’d ever seen. I couldn’t even turn over in bed without Scott’s assistance because I had sciatica and had my hips and legs squashed due to her weight. Amber is healing just over a week after giving birth, but she expects a long recovery due to the strain her body endured during the difficult pregnancy and delivery.

She is still waiting to receive physical therapy to help mend her severely torn stomach muscles.

“I still have a completely numb patch of skin around my belly button where the nerve just gave up,” Amber admitted.

‘Because of the dаmаɡe to my stomach muscles the ѕtіtсһeѕ have no support and I have to be really careful. I can’t pick Emilia up or breastfeed her because she’s so heavy and there’s no protection for my organs, but I’m slowly getting better. ‘I’m still as uncomfortable as when I was pregnant but I do feel a lot lighter and have no more trapped nerveѕ which I’m very grateful for.

‘We’re both so overjoyed with our gorgeous little girl.’

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