“Scars of Strength: The Inspiring Story of a 4-Year-Old’s Resilience in the Face of Severe Burns”

In recent days, on the social network Facebook, many netizens have shared pitiful images of little boy Ngo Cong Tuan Anh (4 years old) with burns all over his body and his limbs shrinking very pitifully.

To find out, we contacted Ms. Ha Thi Len (Tuan Anh’s mother) and said: “6 months ago, my husband and I went to work, little Tuan Anh and his brother lit a straw fire to grill cashews to eat. Unfortunately, the fire burned quickly and burned the child’s whole body… Hearing the cry for help, people around him ran to take the child to the emergency room at Quang Nam Hospital. But because the burns were too severe, he was transferred to the Burn Department, Da Nang Hospital for treatment.”

Ms. Len and baby Tuan Anh at the hospital

After being transferred to the Burn Department of Da Nang Hospital, doctors quickly took the baby to the emergency room for treatment to avoid death from burn shock. After that, the baby was moved to an isolation room to continue skin grafting. Doctors took the skin from the baby’s thighs to apply to severe burns on the face and hands. However, due to the fire, the baby’s face was burned black and the burns were quite deep on his arms and legs… causing the baby’s hands to be stuck together, unable to move, and one side of his ear stuck together, so he could only hear on one side. The ears and mouth are stuck together, leaving only the small side to put food in.

Talking to reporters, Ms. Len choked up and shared: “During the days of treatment at the hospital, looking at my child lying motionless with his whole body bandaged and in pain, my heart ached for him. During the nights when he had a high fever, he said absentmindedly, “Mom, I’m in so much pain, when will the pain go away…”, making me unable to hold back my tears, hoping I could bear his death.

It is known that Tuan Anh is the youngest of the four children of Len and her husband. Family life is very difficult. She and her husband’s work starts at 5 a.m. and ends at night, so the older children stay at home and have to look after the baby and take care of each other.

After being discharged from the hospital, it seemed that Tuan Anh’s health would soon recover, but once again he had a fever. Len and her husband continued to pack up and take their child back to the Burn Department, Da Nang Hospital for treatment. Here, doctors said that the baby’s health condition was very weak and had to be hospitalized for monitoring.

Loving her child, Ms. Len expressed to the doctor that she wanted to have facial surgery for baby Tuan Anh to soon return to a normal life like other children. But the doctors said that because the burn wound was quite severe and deep, it required dozens of surgeries but it still could not heal, and the cost was very expensive.

Since the day my child had the skin graft, my husband and I have been running around borrowing money to take care of our child. Now his health condition is better, but every time we see him look in the mirror and ask, “Mom, when will the doctor remove the skin?” Give me a mask, mom…” My heart was in so much pain. The baby’s father took all the mirrors in the house and put them away, but when someone came to visit or was teased by friends in the neighborhood, the baby cried all the time, Ms. Len shared.

Currently, in order to have money to pay for Tuan Anh’s surgery, Len and her husband do whatever they want in order to save money for surgery on their child’s arms, legs, and ears. So that in the future I can run, jump, and laugh with my friends.

Any help from sponsors for Ms. Ha Thi Len’s family at the address: Team 14 Van Tien village (village 4) Binh Dao commune, Thang Binh district, Quang Nam province. Phone: 0165.575.2097. (Ms. Len, Tuan Anh’s mother).

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