“Faceless Wonder: The Enigmatic Tale of the Man Without a Face Captivating Global Audiences (Video)”

“When was the last time Mr. Pur saw his own face before the tumor appeared? Can you pinpoint where the tumor first manifested on Mr. Pur’s face?

As a consequence of this tumor, Mr. Pur’s descendants relocated to Jepara and Surabaya during that period.

What were the outcomes of the surgery, Mr. Pur?

Usually, after a procedure, one tends to catch glimpses of the affected area more frequently.

No, there was another option proposed for surgery. I was advised to negotiate for further treatment.

I declined because it resembled past experiences.

So, instead of potentially needing it later, it’s a case of déjà vu.

Under these circumstances, are people apprehensive about how Purwanto will be treated?

Yes, it’s quite ordinary. There’s no fear of Purwanto here. Even young children aren’t intimidated.

The children often contribute funds, sometimes they come by for visits, encountering the situation here daily. Their parents have passed away, yet they still gather here.

Padang has been very supportive, everyone extends care to Psalm, Purwanto’s little friend. The school has now become part of the village’s infrastructure under Pak Mudin’s guidance.”


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